Consultancy Assignments
I have worked in many countries of the world
These assignments have covered:
- Government debt management: including strategy and policy development, capacity building, IT and other systems, governance (including legal and decision making frameworks), issuance programme, debt market development, interaction with central bank and others, risk identification, and risk management.
- Government cash management; including policy development, institutional capacity building, forecasting techniques, investment options, interaction with other policies (including monetary and budget execution policy) and institutions, and development of local money markets.
Clients and partners have included:
- World Bank (Treasury; Finance, Competitiveness & Innovation Practice; and Macroeconomics Trade and Investment Practice)
- IMF (Fiscal Affairs Department, Monetary and Capital Markets Department, and Regional TACs)
- Inter-American Development Bank
- The Commonwealth (Debt Management Section)
- Storkey and Co
- Crown Agents
- Central Banking Publications Ltd
- Centennial Group (Washington-based international advisory firm)
I can as required call on the expertise of other Associates including:
- John Gardner (debt and cash management: legal framework; capacity building; policy and operatons)
- Stephen Powell (enterprise risk management)
- Sanga Sangarabalan (external debt, including credits and restructuring; middle office capacity building; and contingent liabilities management)
For more detail of assignments, see CV at skills and experience / profile